Thursday, June 27, 2013

And We're Off!

So with the family all over the state today, I am hoping to get a lot of progress made on the housecleaning tonight.  Or perhaps I won't, perhaps I'll just go to be early. I'm not sure how I'll feel once I get home.

I really need to mow the front yard.  It's a chore I procrastinate since, we have a push mower, no a self-propelled one. And while this wasn't an issue at our old house with the weed and Bermuda grass combo, here at our newer house it's a super dense St. Augustine. Honestly there are parts where it is a real struggle to just push the mower through and I have to stop multiple times and cool off, especially now that the heat has hit the 100 mark.

What to do, what to do.  I think, since it is so hot I'll focus on inside the house, make a check list of what I want to accomplish and challenge myself to see how much I can get done.

Goals:  Clean out the fridge, laundry and change linens on beds, tidy up guest bedroom, vacuum guest room and maters bedroom.

I'll report back tomorrow and let you know what I get done!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I lost my blog, and my marbles...

So I completely mislaid my blog info, totally forgot where it was and haven't posted anything since that long ago first post.  Which doesn't make me a bad person, just a really forgetful one.

But now that I'm at my new job, with my new attitude and a ton of energy, I think I may actually be able to make a go of this whole blogging thing. And it gives me an excuse to talk about crafts.  Which is what I love to talk about but am not so good at actually doing.  Or finishing.  My major goal this summer is to finish all outstanding craft projects. I am not allowed to start any new projects until I finish all existing projects.

I know, pretty radical huh?  Only this is presenting some problems because in order to finish a few projects I have had to start a few. For example, One project was some embroidery that was almost, but not quite, finished.  In order to do them I had to get my supplies organized. This includes my thread and bobbins which naturally means I need a way to store and use this stuff. And we are off and running for a new project....Some way to store thread and bobbins and embroidery floss.  So I'm toying with peg board and rather than the expensive metal hooks, I think I may just hammer in cut lengths of dowel rod.

And the sewing projects can't get finished until my machine is repaired. So I'm just going to try to focus on doing one thing at a time. Which brings me to my next and last topic of the day: multi-tasking.  I know common wisdom is that women are better at multi-tasking and research tends to bear that out.  Heck, just check out a recent Mythbusters episode. But just because we CAN multi-task, should we? Is it necessarily the best way to achieve goals and get things not just done but well done?

I am not so sure about that.  Yes, if I am tidying up the bed room, doing laundry and simultaneously "watching" a home improvement show, yep, you bet, get'r'done.  But if I want to make serious headway on the embroidered family tree that's been undone for 30 (yep count 'em 30) years, them perhaps I should just sit there and get the thing done. And to add insult to injury, this wasn't even MY original procrastinated project! My MOM started this one when I was 15 and I took it over at 16.  Everything is done but the names and by this time I can put my son's name in it instead of my own as originally planned.

So at least losing marbles is all part of our family's charming genetic code.  So, I've located all my embroidery supplies, corralled them, and am determined to get the family tree done by Monday July 2nd. Really.  Unless I lose something.